MREC Approved ZOOM Delivered 48-hour BROKER PRE-EXAMINATION COURSE #1270024143

ONLY $325!


The following course(s) is/are presently on our schedule for 2025. Before enrolling in a course, please read our school policies below. Classes may be postponed to another date if less than 5 students are pre-registered, in which case the registration fees will be carried forward to the next scheduled school. See our policies for additional details.

NOTE:  The Broker Pre-Examination course lasts a total of 48 fifty-minute hours.  The evening courses are  a total of 12 evenings from 6:00 pm - 9:40 pm with two 10-minute breaks per evening.  Most will be Monday-Friday for two weeks and then Monday and Tuesday for the last two evenings.  The day courses are a total of SIX days from 8:00 am to 4:10 pm each day with a 50-minute break for lunch from 11:40 am to 12:30 pm.  There will be two 10-minute breaks per 4-hour session.

Day Course: To be Announced

Times:  8:00 am - 4:10 pm

Enroll small

Evening Course: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 & 18, 2025

Times:  6:00 pm - 9:40 pm

Enroll small


What You Get:

  • our 48-Hour Broker Pre-Examination Course including our 249-page course manual mailed to you upon receipt of your paid enrollment;
  • the testing service's "Missouri Candidate Handbook";
  • an emailed copy in pdf format of our booklet, "Statutes and Rules";
  • full access to our online MREC-Approved Broker Pre-Examination Course for additional study at your convenience;
  • access to our free online exam prep courses, "Preparing for the Real Estate Exam" and "Real Estate Mathematics" and
  • instructor access during the course and Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on any other days!

ZOOM is an online meeting and webinar system used by educational institutions and schools all over the world. For the students, it is free and easy to use and access. Upon enrollment you will receive detailed instructions on how to access it.

REGISTRATION. The $100 "Registration Fee" fee must be paid in advance to register. The course manual will be mailed upon receipt of the Registration Fee. The Registration Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE except in cases of extreme emergency or in the event the course is cancelled by the school (See Below).

NOTE. You will need a computer or other device such as a tablet with good Internet access, calculator and your course manual at all times during class.  Both PC and Apple devices will work.

Course Policies

The following policies apply to all classroom and online meeting delivered courses required for obtaining a real estate license. Policies for our online courses can be found on the online course page.

Calculators/Tape Recorders. Only hand-held, silent, solar-powered or battery operated calculators are permitted when you report to take the license tests, so we recommend that you limit your calculator use during the course to such a type.

Attendance. Students must attend 100% of the meeting hours required and pass both portions of the online final examation with a score of 75% or better on each portion in order to receive a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion. A 10% attendance allowance may be given for a valid emergency, at the discretion of the school administrator.  A valid emergency includes, sickness of the student, sickness or death of an immediately family member, and Internet outages.  Documentation of the emergency must be retained by the school.

Study Materials. Students must use the course manuals and materials supplied by the School.

Refund Policy. If you cancel, you will receive equal credit toward any of our future classes in the next 12 months. A student who wishes to cancel prior to the beginning of the school must do so in writing no later than one week prior to the first day of the school for which the student has pre-pregistered. The registration fee may be applied toward any course within 12 months of the school date for which the student originally applied, at the discretion of the school administrator. No cancellation will be accepted once the school has started, except for sickness, injury or extreme emergency, with proof of same given in writing, in which event any unused portion of the fee paid will be transferred to any course with our school within 12 months of the date for which originally registered. If we cancel a course without postponing it, you will receive a full refund of any prepaid fee less $75 for the cost of the course manual or full credit toward a future course of your choice within the next 12 months. If we cancel a course and the course manual is returned to the school undamaged, the full fee will be refunded.

Registration. The course manual will be mailed upon receipt of the registration fee.  Classes may be postponed to another date if less than 5 students are pre-registered, in which event tuition will be carried forward to the next school. The tuition will be applied toward another class during the next 12 months for students unable to attend due to extreme emergency and who give 5-days written notice of their inability to attend.

Professional School of Real Estate
P. O. Box 284, Alton, MO  65606

Phone: (417) 255-1840 • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.